Applied Polyvagal Theory


Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges is a theory describing the underlying neurobiology and neurophysiology of safety and connection. Through an automatic and unconscious process called neuroception, Dr. Porges shows that we constantly scan our internal and external environments for cues of safety and cues of threat. Based on this moment-to-moment assessment, our bodies then either relax into states of connection or are triggered into states of defense such as fighting, fleeing, or shutting down. The neural platform then influences what we see, what we hear, and how we act in the world.

In close collaboration with Dr. Porges, Deb Dana, LSCW, developed ways to help clients map their automatic responses as well as a series of exercises to help them come out of reactive defensive states into states of connection and wellbeing.

I have taken courses in Polyvagal Mindfulness and Bringing the Polyvagal Perspective Alive in your Clinical Practice with the Restorative Practices Alliance and completed a certificate course - Play Zone Pro: Polyvagal-informed Certificate for Coaches - with the Polyvagal Institute. This course has been approved by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching.